Sunday, March 23, 2014

Convertible mittens/fingerless gloves

I wanted some gloves for pram walking so made some fingerless ones from this pattern. Fingerless gloves

But then I figured out how my gauge was and made a mitten top to add on. This wasn't from a pattern but I had seen these types of gloves before at the shops.

I have big palms and long fingers too so it doesn't look so cute but they serve the purpose. I added a button to hold the mitten part back when not in use.

Missing in action

I have been a little missing in action lately.
I had bub number 2 and she has been very hard work and time and energy consuming. She is gorgeous, just not a fan of sleeping.

But lately I have had a crack at a few things.

I made this scarf based on this pattern
I had made the hood and scarf too but I can't find it at the moment to take a photo.

I really like the pattern of the hdc then dc with gaps. The photo I first took was dark and while it showed the pattern it didn't show the yarn. So I took the other photos.

I also made the heart below. It was this pattern, puffy heart.

I made this super quickly for a friend who had got some heartbreaking news and I wanted to give her something she could squeeze and be reminded people were there for her and loved her.

I also made some mittens but will have to find them to take a photo.

These were all super easy patterns to use and modify to my needs.