Monday, September 5, 2016

Baby Owl Present and another Fox

The Owls were a hit so I freehanded making this little treat for a baby present. I made the Owl with thick yarn but the little square in fine and soft yarn so it will be nice to snuggle up with.

I also was asked to make another fox very quickly - it was a little smaller but they were popular. It was lovely to be asked to make something for someone. Feeling better about my crochet skills now.

More Owls for presents

I made some more owls from Skapa och Inreda's pattern of the owl. 

This pattern is super quick to learn and now I do not need it anymore to create these. 

Cute presents.

Thanks again!

Crocheted Field Hockey Stick and Ball

So many of our friends are having their first bubs at the moment, some even second and third bubs! 
I know that you get a whole lot of presents from everyone so wanted to make crochet presents that were personalised for each child and/or their family.
This is my latest creation that I made up myself - a field hockey stick and ball. 
The mum of this little lady is a talented field hockey player and joked when she was born that she would get her a mini hockey stick to get her started early. So I thought I would try to make one.

I had mixed success but after trial and error came up with something that I was happy to give as a present. The curl in the stick was the tricky point. I ended up making a diamond to stitch to create the quick bend whilst remaining somewhat flat like the hockey stick.

I have plans to put a pattern together for this as I couldn't find a pattern when I had a look and I have benefited from so many other's patterns they have put online that I thought I would have a crack at it.

When I find the time I will put it together to share.

In the mean time - here are some pics of the present.

What an actual one looks like (and what I based this one on):